One of the countries to which Tayba Group Company offer shipping services from Istanbul/Turkey to is California/Los Angeles.
Our valued clients can ship their products very easily and with great level of security and time respect, the products can vary from food, furniture and others.
Tayba Group Company Offered Ways of Shipping to the USA:
- First – Sea Freight:
Tayba Group Company offers the sea freight services to the USA via specialized cargo ships. Sea freight is consistent of two methods; shipping by containers, or shipping full cargo ships.
- Shipping Containers:
The good are shipped in big containers made of iron, and the good are shipped by cargo ships specialized in shipping containers.
- Shipping full cargo ships:
The goods are shipped in cargo ships that are specialized, these cargo ships are of big sizes. This method is used to ship big sized goods like cement and others.
The most important commercial ports in the USA that we ship to:
- Port of Long Beach – the commercial gate between the US and Asia: The Port of Long Beach, also known as the Circle Port of Long Beach, is considered the second most container crowded port after the Port of Los Angeles in the USA. As the main gate for commerce between the US and Asia, the port is 13 square kilometers on the land, and 40 kilometers of sea front in the city of Long Beach / California. The port of Long Beach is situated less than 3 kilometers southwest of the center of Long Beach, and about 40 kilometers to the south of the center of Los Angeles city. The port brings in around 100 billion USD in commerce, and offers over 316.000 job in South California. The port was established on June 24th 1911, and the annual goods coming through the port is around 78200000 metric tons (2010).
- Second – Air Freight:
The goods are shipped through airline companies, where the goods are loaded onto the planes directed to Los Angeles. Advantages of the air freight is the speed and the high costs, thus food and meats that are fast to expire are shipped via air freight.
The most important airports in the USA that we offer shipping services to:
- Los Angeles International Airport LAX: It is the main airport that serve the greater region of Los Angeles, the second most populated capital city in the USA. The Los Angeles International Airport is situated in the southwest of Los Angeles along the coast of the Pacific Ocean in the neighborhood of Westchester 26 kilometers from the city center of Los Angeles. The airport is owned and operated by a Los Angeles government agency, previously known as the Department of Airports.
- And other US airports
- Third – Express Mail Shipping:
Express Mail is a mail service specialized for shipping packages, mails, cassettes, CDs, medical and industrial samples and all that can be shipped legally. The express mail service is a considerably faster service than the normal mail service.
Tayba Group Company offers shipping heavy weight goods from Istanbul to the USA via the Express Mail Service. The cost of the shipping is dependent on the weight of the shipped goods and how far the destination is in the USA.
Cities in the USA that we ship to:
California/Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.
Choosing our company to be the mediator and the first choice to ship your goods from Istanbul to different US cities will make the process of shipping very secure and as far as possible from issues that may arise. Additionally, we are very strict regarding delivery time, which is what make our company advantageous compared to other companies, and will guarantee your satisfaction working with us, and make the obvious first choice to go to for shipping your goods from Istanbul to the USA.